Monday, January 1, 2002
We left Mike Pearson's slip at Newport Beach on January 1, 2002 and sailed 30 miles down the coast to meet up with Mike and Lisa in Oceanside. Unfortunately, we sailed five miles beyond the harbor and had to turn back adding an extra hour to the trip. Our boat approached the harbor entrance just as the sun set and one of the lowest tides of the year created 5 foot breakers across the entrance. After two aborted passes and plans being made to sail on to San Diego, the harbor patrol was called and they led us through the surf. We are still not sure how much water was under those breakers, but we made it.
We stayed there for an extra day as winds from a small storm blew from the south. While there, we learned that one of Wayne's favorite authors, Gary Paulsen, had passed through Oceanside on a BCC also on his way to Mexico two weeks before. Naybe we will meet up in some anchorage.