lumpy from the start. We needed to go 50 miles and hoped that things would smooth out. Unfortunately they didn't, and we had a very long night of bashing into head seas with 25-30 knotts of wind against 4 to 6 foot waves. When dawn broke we faced the choice of turning back or continuing on. We continued on and finally reached Ipala 13 1/2 hours later.
We spent the next day in this beautiful little harbor in a village called Tehuamixtle. It had a couple of beach palapas playing ranchero music. Mexican families come here to camp. Puerto Vallarta in a 4 1/2 hour drive over mountainous dirt roads. We liked this village. From here, we sailed around the famed Cabo Corrientes which causes grief for many sailors due to its currents and bad weather. After the previous leg, I am happy to report that it was a piece of cake. It just goes to show that one never knows